What My Clients Say

Aubrey Rose did such an amazing job doing soul work on me. I got a smudge done, I got my chakras aligned, and I got a reiki done. I literally feel like a different person. Before seeing Aubrey, I was full of anger, guilt, and questions. Now I know that I have a purpose in this thing called life and I am so grateful to be here and to be able to spread positivity to the world. On top of that, my body feels great. My headaches have disappeared, I have a sense of calm and direction, and I now meditate daily. It truly does work and it will change your life. I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone. Don’t hesitate, just do it! ❤️🙌✌️

Ashley Mattocks

Last night was my first spiritual reading ever! And I’m so thankful it was with my friend, Aubrey Rose I will honestly say I was nervous, not knowing what to expect. However, Aubrey welcomed me into her home, and into her reading space, and I immediately felt the calmness and radiating positivity! 
Words like powerful, emotional, and completely uplifting come to mind 💫❤️ Aubrey said & asked me things that no one else would know or understand, completely validating that I was connecting with my Dad. 😇🌊🌅🎣 
I’m completely amazed and so grateful you shared your beautiful gift with me! THANK YOU for your love 💝 and I cannot wait for next time!

Kristina Marie

I have known Aubrey for going on 10 years. We actually met through an ex of mine, and our friendship has been virtual- HOWEVER, we’ve always been close and connected. No way to explain it- but she’s always been in my life. I was thrilled when she decided to pursue her gifts. She’s truly a kind soul and I know for certain she’s here to help others. 
With that said, I had a reading with her last night. Now, while she does know things in my life because we are friends, she told me things that absolutely NO ONE knows...yet. 4 different things occurred last night to validate what I was told in the reading- and it was after we had ended our call. 
I lost a baby late 2016. It devastated my husband and I. Last night Aubrey was able to help myself, my husband and our son get the closure we all needed. It was full circle. She was telling me things that Noah was saying that absolutely no one could have known.
Y’all, she is the real deal! She has given our family something I didn’t ever think was possible; peace and comfort. 
Thank you Aubs. You’re the brightest light and your purpose is great in this world. Keep shining bright. Keep leading others out of their darkness. You’re powerful and beautiful and we are so lucky to know you. 
There are no coincidences in life ❤️

Megan Phillips

I had to wait two days to find the words to describe My experience with Aubrey. Wow UNBELIEVABLE ,relief, calm, peace, love, settled, mindful are just some of the emotions of how i feel since Our session. I walked in with so much anxiety, fear, pain and so much sadness. I was ready to try anything to make Me feel better! My head was pounding and spinning from stress I was ready to cry at any minute. Aubrey was warm, kind, and caring. I felt Her warmth and caring soul. She hugged Me and We got started. She explained things as She went along and asked to make sure I was comfortable moving forward. To say I felt like She knew Me is an understatement, She WAS Me! She knew where My pain sat, the anger and fear I carried, the racing mind that never quieted and She worked Her way thru each thing while aligning Me.I can not put into words how this felt..exhilarating? Grounding? Loving? ALL of these things and more. We went deep and She guided Me the whole time. When I got up My head felt tingly and I noticed My headache was GONE and My mind was QUIET! My heart felt lighter and I felt seen, truly truly seen. I didn’t know how much I needed Aubrey Rose’s help until that moment. After almost 48 hrs I still feel calmer, lighter, sleeping better and My mind is still clear. I told My husband after Our session that “I feel like I have been away for a long time and I’m finally home and present!” I can’t wait to go back and continue to dig deeper and feel the work from Our sessions. If You’ve ever considered Reiki, I encourage You to take the plunge and do that Journey with Aubrey. It’s like no other experience I have had and by far the BEST!!

Lora Huber

I received Reiki from Aubrey Rose Lewis for the second time this week. Amazing…Aubrey has manifested remarkable intuition. Each time I receive Reiki from Aubrey I myself am opened up to my own POWER. She goes deep incorporating her knowledge of the Esoteric, chakra system, crystals and all things spiritual. Aubrey creates an elevated level of healing with the use of her Shamanic drum bath, crystal sound balls, and tuning forks to delivering the ultimate Reiki experience to her clients. I am all in on continuing my healing journey with this true Master of the Reiki energy.

Kim Craig

It’s been a few weeks and it has taken me this long to actually process the reading I had with you…I cannot even begin to put into words how grateful I am for the spiritual closure I needed and the answers to the questions I needed to be at peace. Without getting too personal I just want to say you are amazing and the fact that he found you for us for our session is mind blowing! The family and friend who also came through was very comforting. For those who do not believe I have to tell them there is no way you could have known the details you relayed to me, the only possible way is that you are definitely “legit” 😝 for lack of a better word!! I am not only grateful for the wonderful gift you have but also for the fact that I found a new friend whom I feel so comfortable with!! It really feels like I have known you forever 😊 I thank God for you 😇🫶🤍

Angela Brayerton

So I’ve been processing these thoughts for a while now & im still in disbelief. Anyone who knows me knows I’ve been grieving my dads death for a while now with no answers and tons of questions I got connected with this amazing lady !!! LET me tell you her gift is amazing & I’m not the one to believe in things like this !! Her session was so therapeutic & brought me peace in so many ways . Without going to in-depth just know I can finally sit through a conversation about him without tears… she’s closed doors and opened even bigger ones for Me & has no clue how much anger she has released for me in many ways . Touched base on every major key point in my life from child hood memories to secrets I’ve kept to only myself without ever knowing me  . Aubrey thank you thank you thank you . & thank you again ‘ you have no idea how amazing you are !!💗💗

Airyel Brayerton

Had my first reiki session and I can't believe I've waited so long to try it . I have felt so tired and lazy lately but today I felt so at ease and motivated! I got so much done. Less pain (Spinal problems and neck pain) and no puking! (6 months pregnant with constant sickness throughout). I can't thank you enough love! I know we have more work to do but for my first experience I highly recommend!!! You have a gift!!


I had a reading last night with Aubrey. I have had reiki with her before, during which loved ones came through. This was different. So much more detail and validation. It was beautiful to hear from my grandmother, grandfather and some old friends. Friends I didn’t think would show up for me and was surprised that they are still with me. She also brought me closure on something very personal. A relief I didn’t know I needed. She knew about the rose bushes I planted for my grandmother, her quilts that she made me, my grandfather’s keys that I still keep and so much more! You guys, this is real! If you are dealing with grief, on the fence about booking, do it! It will bring you relief, peace and joy! I woke up feeling connected and joyful❤️ Thank you Aubrey. You’re an angel.

Jennifer Davis

I’m not real sure where to begin or even how to put it in words. I’ve processed my session with you yesterday and let me just say I’ve needed you a long time ago! You helped me get back in touch with myself on so many levels. You touched on things that I’ve gone through and you helped release the negative and anger that I’ve carried around with me for ALOT of years. Today I woke up free, calm, positive and with peace and gratitude! I’m so thankful to have you on this journey! I honestly can’t thank you enough❤️❤️

Ashley Testerman

Today, I had my first reiki session with Aubrey. I got there and knew that I probably was not balanced and that I desperately needed to be there. I left feeling refreshed, spiritually balanced and felt like a whole new person. She truly has a gift and brought me so much healing, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. I am so so so grateful for her, and today ❤️

Lydia Bongiorno